Our partners
Each year, organisations, associations and individuals agree to abide by the diving regulations. The active involvement of those involved in diving at each annual meeting with the National Park helps to better define the ambitions for the area.
Diving is also an integral part of all discussions in the National Park, and divers are represented at every level of consultation, from the local management committees for the island of Porquerolles to one of the Park’s governing bodies, the Economic, Social and Cultural Council.
Who should you dive with in Port-Cros National Park?
A network of partners has agreed to widely disseminate the values promoted by the National Park during each dive. Communication and environmental education tools created by the Park and its partners are available. Contact Port-Cros National Park via the contact address for more information.
Organisations and associations.
- Diving prohibited
- Diving prohibited from 1st April to 30th Septembe
- Diving prohibited from 1st April to 30th October
- Docking, mooring and disembarking prohibited
- Anchoring prohibited except at mooring facilities for dive vessels
- Diving subject to authorisation
Dive site (natural)
Dive site with mooring (natural)
Suggested dive site (natural)
Dive site (wreck)
Dive site with mooring (wreck)
Suggested dive site (wreck)
Partner organisation
Associations and professional bodies are members of the State-approved federation, the Fédération Française d'Études et de Sports Sous-Marins (FFESSM), or other associations and trade unions (FSGT, ANMP, SNMP, UCPA, etc.).